Yesterday was a beautiful day and as I sat at my computer working and writing I received an email from a friend and colleague that said, “Don't forget to go out and PLAY!”
It was a good wakeup call because I have a tendency to get involved in my writing and working and I don’t always stop to enjoy the day.
So I pulled myself away from the keyboard, threw on my old school running gear and headed out for a run.
I’m fortunate that I live close to a small island connected by a bridge to the mainland.
As I turned on to the wooded trail that winds around the island, trudging along in my running shorts and black sox highlighting my white legs, I looked up to see an attractive young woman running with two teenage girls. As they got closer, I smiled. This act, while running, apparently was too much simultaneous coordination for my middle aged body to handle and I immediately tripped over the root of a tree and dove, face first into the wet, fungal, forest soil.
I laughed, took a second to assess any injuries and then stumbled to my feet in time to acknowledge some comment of concern from the three females as they easily glided past me.
For the next mile I chuckled at myself and thought about all the times that I have fallen in life. The emotional, financial and physical dips that we all endure can be overwhelming as we experience them and empowering as we overcome them.
The falls aren’t what define us. It’s the way that we can get back on our feet on keep running.