Sunday, April 22, 2007

Being Yourself.

Several months ago I moved from a large house with a beautiful yard to a small apartment in a large apartment complex in the same town. It was an adjustment for my kids. We don’t have the privacy that we once had and you can often hear the neighbors running up and down their stairs and talking. I’m sure they’ve overheard several moments of enthusiasm and an occasional moment of stress coming from our apartment.

On the day of the Red Sox home opener my son asked if I would pick him up from school so that he could come home to watch the game. After negotiating with him to stay after for physics to make sure that he was all caught up I aquiest and picked him up from school after the game had already started.

When we returned to the apartment Sam immediately took off his pants, grabbed a snack and lay down on the couch wearing his boxers, t-shirt and socks. I had to leave to take my daughter to a friend’s house and I reminded Sam that he could not just lie there all afternoon. I expected him to get some exercise even if he just went outside and swung his baseball bat 100 times.

I gave my daughter her ride and upon my return, as I crested the hill heading to our apartment I could see Sam off in the distance swinging his bat…still dressed only in his boxer shorts , t-shirt and socks. He was concentrating on his form on each swing never caring or thinking about what he was or wasn’t wearing.

I laughed out loud and then I left him alone to keep swinging. I realized that my 14 year old son had done exactly what I asked him to do.

Right now he has the innocence of youth on his side and a comfort with who he is. I hope he keeps it as long as possible.

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