Sunday, April 8, 2007

Inspirational Daughter

Today was my daughter Kourtney’s 17th birthday. She inspires me. Not because of some gigantic accomplishment that she has had in her life but simply because of the person that she is day in and day out.

We had a great day and at the end we went out to dinner. We got into a discussion in regard to one of her friends whose parents are going through a divorce and how tough it has been on her friend and how she worries about her friend.

Now, that is a normal reaction for any kid who has a friend whose parent are going through a divorce. The difference with Kourtney is that her mother and I have been going through a divorce and she never complains. She has certainly expressed her concern but she has been remarkable in her attitude throughout the whole process.

I have copied a letter she wrote for a class that she is currently taking called “Reading, writing and running”. It will give you a sense of who she is and why she inspires me.

Kourtney Bonsey

Running: it’s a passion, a sport, a hobby, a battle. It’s what some people find crazy and what others find beautiful. Maybe runners are crazy from all the running they do. Or maybe it’s that others don’t understand the beauty of the sport; the beauty of pain, hard work, rhythm and competition. Most of us don’t know why we run, that’s the beauty of running.
I can’t remember the day I decided to run. I’m sure it started when my parents stuck me in striders because my brother had done it, but now running has become something more than just an activity. It’s a passion. It’s a fire burning deep within. I often hear the question “why do you run?” usually asked by one of my classmates who has never run before and couldn’t possibly imagine running the dreaded 1 mile in gym class. I’m not sure why I run. It’s one of the questions I love not having an answer to. I could say I do it for the long runs, the team or the competition. It’s much more than that though. Running is something I do and something I’ve always done. Running has always been something I do without questioning. Most people don’t understand why human beings love a sport that puts you through so much pain through out the entire race. The thing is, I don’t remember the pain of racing. I feel it during the race and immediately after, but then it’s completely forgotten. Then there is the pain of a speed workout. This is the pain I love. This is the pain that I know is making me stronger.
My love for running doesn’t come from just the training and the competing, it’s also the team. Of course I’d still be enjoying the sport if it wasn’t for the team aspect, but probably not as much. My team has always been a major part of why I run. It’s the bus rides to meets when we’re singing “Like a Prayer” at the top of our lungs at seven in the morning when everyone else is trying to sleep. It’s the comfort I feel from my teammates after every race. They are there patting me on the back and telling me “great race”. It’s something about the team that adds to much character to the sport.
Running can be frustrating, but an achievement at the same time. The feeling of breaking a personal record by ten seconds is something words can’t describe. Watching my brother run a 4:04 mile is a motivation to me. This accomplishment for him is as much an accomplishment for me. Watching that race made me want to be a better runner, to work harder and to achieve more. For me, I don’t have to know why I run to love this sport. All I know is that I’m crazy about it and that’s all that matters to me.

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